Winery Florio Duca di Salaparuta

Palermo Winery

Cantine Florio
Duca di Salaparuta

Marsala (TP)
Casteldaccia (PA)

The Duca di Salaparuta group comprises three historic brands which represent Sicily and Italy worldwide: Corvo and Duca di Salaparuta, dating back to 1824, and Florio, which dates from 1833. Two unique wineries now explaining the history of Sicily with their Estates and Cellars and dedicated to hospitality.


Cantine Duca di Salaparuta from 1824
Casteldaccia, (Palermo)
Via Nazionale, 113
Casteldaccia - Palermo
Tel +39.091.945252/201
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Cantine Florio Marsala from 1833
Duca di Salaparuta
Via Vincenzo Florio, 1
Marsala - Trapani
Tel +39.0923.781305-317-306
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Vineyard Vajasindi
on the slopes of Etna

Vineyard Suormarchesa
in Riesi, in the heart of Sicily

Vineyard Risignolo
Salemi, in the province of Trapani

Val di Mazara
Florio Duca di Salaparuta



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