Vineria Modì

Chef Dalila Grillo


Vineria Modì
Taormina (ME)

The restaurant is located in the heart of the historical centre of Taormina, where innovation and creativity are the protagonists of a space with an elegant and modern design.


Weekly opening

Monday to Sunday
7 p.m. - 11 p.m.

Closing date

holiday period: 10 January to 10 March


Via Calapitrulli, 13
Taormina (ME)
Tel +39 0942 23658 
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We keep excellent labels

An experience that is implemented by a daring wine list personally selected by Destefanis Paolo who, in over 1,000 references, maps the finest Burgundy and Champagne in the same meticulous way as he traces the most significant oenological realities, particularly of Piedmont and Sicily.
Dalila Grillo
Dalila GrilloExecutive Chef
For those who have lived through it, it is easy to remember 1994: Guns 'N' Roses' 'Since I Don't Have You' was released on the radio, a genuinely rock atmosphere that resembles chef Dalila Grillo, born in Catania in 1994 into a family of restaurateurs.
A child of the art, one might hastily conclude, but the young cook who is now also patron of Vineria Modì in Taormina (Messina) has taken the family business to the next level, setting up together with her brother Ettore a contemporary establishment that is nevertheless firmly anchored in the paradigm of Sicilian cuisine.
With a couple of apprenticeships with Enrico Crippa and Josè Amador in her pocket, and before that classical training at the hotel school in the province, Dalila Grillo is a practical spirit who draws on local produce with an unstoppable desire to explore raw materials.


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