Lorenzo Ruta Restaurant

Chef Lorenzo Ruta


Lorenzo Ruta Restaurant
Modica (RG)

The landscape of south-eastern Sicily, embroidered with characteristic dry-stone walls and dotted with carob and olive trees, is the natural setting for the Lorenzo Ruta Restaurant in Modica.
The protagonists are chef Lorenzo Ruta, his wife Alice and sister-in-law Valentina Migliore, who have built a solid and recognisable restaurant proposal.
The restaurant presents a modern structure, embellished by architectural choices that recall the colours and materials of the context in which it stands, and which offer the dimension of a suspended time, to be dedicated to the pure pleasure of dining. In fine weather, two large terraces and a panoramic terrace allow guests to immerse themselves in the greenery of the gardens and surrounding countryside, enjoying the Mediterranean fragrances and aromas of the adjoining vegetable garden, personally cultivated by the chef.


Weekly Opening

Tuesday to Sunday lunch and dinner

Closing Date

Closed Mondays all day


Modica, RG
Contrada Zimmardo, SP 45 km5
Tel +39 0932 948669
Tel +39 338 498 1656
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The cellar

A place dedicated to the pleasure of good wine

The Lorenzo Ruta Restaurant's wine cellar, with the hundreds of references it holds, faithfully reflects the preferences and temperament of sommelier Valentina Migliore. Alongside the must-have regional labels, there are bottles from Italian and foreign wineries selected from niche markets, including some sometimes little-known rarities that Valentina Migliore skilfully reveals to the most curious guests. A special place is reserved for natural wines, for which Valentina has a real predilection.
The cellar is also the place destined to host the tasting itineraries designed by Valentina Migliore together with the chef: an immersive experience in the knowledge of extraordinary wines and the territories of which they are an expression, to be accompanied by food specially designed by Lorenzo Ruta.
Lorenzo Ruta
Lorenzo RutaChef

Chef Lorenzo Ruta signs the kitchen of the restaurant that bears his name, in the wake of the long and important experience gained in their previous restaurant Taverna Migliore together with his wife Alice and sister-in-law Valentina Migliore. A solid and self-aware maturity that has enabled the chef and his dining and kitchen brigades to upgrade to their current restaurant. Lorenzo Ruta is an original and creative interpreter of a cuisine of the territory that has visions and contaminations of depth, thanks to previous professional experiences in Germany, Turin and Sicily. Ruta has managed to create a young and decidedly innovative, effective and immediate proposal, thanks also to his constant study of the most modern processing techniques, including the fermentation and maturation of vegetables, fish and meat. It is a cuisine with a strong impact, firmly rooted in the territory where the chef grew up and to which he has chosen to return, from which he personally selects the raw materials for his dishes in an authentic and supportive relationship with local producers.

Davide Giurdanella
Davide GiurdanellaSous Chef
Alice Migliore
Alice MiglioreGeneral Manager
Valentina Migliore
Valentina MiglioreSommelier


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